Hello, world back home!
It's been awhile, I know. I apologize! I WOULD say that I've been super busy, but that would be somewhat of a lie. I've just been finding my weeks slipping past me, as if I'm on a fast-paced train through my life that has no intention of stopping.
...also midterms and planning April have kind of been absorbing my life.
Keele's idea of midterms greatly differs from Loyola's. Instead of every teacher secretly meeting to discuss when the most INCONVENIENT time to place exams would be, Keele sort of gives you a layout of how the semester will pan out. There are roughly two assignments for each class: a final exam in May and a 1500-2000 word essay sometime in March. Also, my English class does weekly presentations on the works we read, so I knew which week I had signed up for well in advance.
That assignment was last Friday. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous...only a little, though. Anyone who knows even a tiny bit of me knows that I revel in the spotlight, especially when I'm presenting or performing. Needless to say, I think my presentation went very well. The professor seemed to enjoy it, anyway! Assignment one: check!
The next assignment was my psychology paper, which was due this past Tuesday (March 1, for those who don't avidly check for my blog's updates/can't read the date this blog was posted.) Now THAT paper took me FOREVER to finish. I had started it two weekends in advance, attempting to be a good student. However, I am NOT that kind of student, I never was. I perform best when under pressure. SO, I naturally finished the paper the Sunday before it was due. I let my professor check it over on Monday, and she said that it was very good. I made the technical corrections to my paper, and I felt comfortable turning it in. Assignment two: done!
The next big project I have is my philosophy essay, which is due on March 23. I already wrote a 500 word paper proposal on it, so I only need to add 1500 more! I'll attempt to work more on it maybe this weekend. Like I said, I'm not good with working ahead of time!
Now, enough of the boring school stuff. As I've said before, I didn't come here to STUDY! I CAME HERE TO LIVE!!
And I shall do so in April!
Our cruise is officially BOOKED. It wasn't the one that we originally wanted (that one was booked months in advance) but we got a pretty sweet deal on one that leaves April 16. The cruise will take us to France, Sicily, Spain, and Tunisia. That's a pretty sweet itinerary! Tunisia is where Star Wars was filmed, so my geeky side is jumping for joy! Just pray that Tunisia doesn't jump on the North African crazy train, all right?! We're attempting to go to Greece and Rome before our cruise. I'm pretty sure Rome will happen, since Cristina is AMAZING! But I don't know if I can afford Greece; plane tickets are a little more than I had anticipated. Still, I'm going to all of these other places, and I'd much rather see Italy than Greece. I'll make it to Poseidon's temple one day! I also plan on revisiting Liverpool and going to Wales, London, and Dublin in May! Hopefully I'll get to London before my cruise...I feel like I need to get more excited about visiting that city!
I guess I should add something about my social life for all you DYING to know! I'm getting really close to my blockmates. We have parties almost every weekend, and we go out to the local bar every Thursday. They're pretty much my family. Now, I'm not gonna lie; my dorm is the shittiest dorm on campus, and it's far away from everything. My blockmates, however, make me love this place. It feels like a home. I am very grateful for this!
I'm still singing in the church choir. It's nice to at least exercise ONE of my musical abilities! The guy, Jack, with the guitar never got back to me about playing his Crafter. I think I may have scared him just a little bit. I was just VERY excited to see/play a lefty guitar! I'm gonna have to reteach myself in the summer!
Although I'm enjoying myself and learning a lot whilst abroad, I am keeping an eye out for the summertime. There's lots of good things coming my way! I keep imagining myself working at Barnes and Noble again, so I think I'll shoot them an email right before I come back. It's a pretty chill job, I'm not gonna lie! I'm learning to budget myself a lot while overseas, which will definitely be a vital skill in the future.
Oh, and despite my constant social life, I've managed to start up one of my novels! It's not the one I had originally attempted to finish, but hey, I'm glad I got re inspired to work on this one! It's more of a steampunk/fantasy genre, while the other one is straight up psychological/sci-fi. I like how they're pretty opposite. Still, I think young readers will appreciate them!
Well, that's pretty much my life...at least the bit that I can turn into an enjoyable blog anyway! I'll keep y'all updated! Catch some beads for me!
Okay, so I get the point your weekly bar visit beats chatting with me on Skype, no problem. I am up to my elbows in grading anyway. I forgot to let Uncle Guy know you are going to Tunisia. He will be excited for you. Have fun, don't drink too much, but at least I don't have to worry about you driving. Try getting a used lefty guitar somewhere!