Hey, all!
Seems like I'm keeping pretty up-to-date with my travel blog, right? Yeah, I wouldn't get used to that. I just had some profound thoughts on my way home from Bath today, and I wanted to jot them down (on the computer; yes, I'm that talented!)
First off, Bath is by far the prettiest city I've seen...ever. It's situated in a valley in the South, surrounded by a river, and is in the perfect position for weather, culture, etc. Naturally, I went to visit the Roman Baths for which the city was named. That was phenomenal; I've no way to describe how I felt with prose. It was surreal to be around things that are almost as old as Western civilization itself. The baths were HUGE (yes, there were multiple baths in the same vicinity; those Romans enjoyed their baths!) When I get my amazing mansion after attaining my fame/fortune, I'm making a replica of these baths as my swimming pool. Absolutely, GORGEOUS. There were lots of Roman artifacts in the museum surrounding the baths, too. Those were pretty surreal to view. They even had a skeleton of some Roman guy, and they recreated what his face would've looked like. I love that kind of stuff! We also did the fashion museum (there was a combination ticket saver) but that really wasn't my thing. I did get to try on a hoop skit and corset, though. That's every girl's dream, right there!
The rest of Bath, as stated above, was just as pretty. It's definitely an old city; there was hardly any new architecture, which made the city that much culturally richer than the other places I've been! There were lots of savvy shops dotted around the city, but that didn't catch my eye, the street performers did. I sincerely MISS hearing music on the streets, and I didn't realize I missed it so much until now. It's those sorts of things that stick in my mind about a city; not the geographical settings. Mind you, Bath is EXTREMELY pretty, but the culture helps, too :) Also, I'm really getting into taking photographs. I think I'm starting to develop a little skill in photography, though I'm no (insert famous photographer here.) I'll put up the link to my photobucket after I upload some Manchester and Bath pictures!
Overall, I had a very good Saturday. I think I'll take advantage of these school-sponsored trips more often!
Anyway, back to my highway thoughts. The ride to Bath is about 3 hours each way, so it's a pretty decent trip. On the way back, I had two seats to myself, and I did what any college student in this situation would do; I slept. When I woke up, I swear I thought I was on an American highway. I couldn't see the driver in the front of the coach, I couldn't see any cars passing us on the "wrong side of the road," and I saw billboards everywhere. I had an immediate flashback to the countless family vacations I've taken every summer. I imagined that the coach was taking me somewhere in America. Was I returning home or was I going to another destination? Honestly, I still felt as if the coach was taking me to another destination, which means (to me, anyway) that I'm still thoroughly enjoying my journey this semester and that there's more to learn along the way. I'm not ready to go home yet; my vacation's not over. Still, I remembered how much I love road trips (and DRIVING) and I plan on taking a few over the Summer!