Yeah, I know it hasn't been long since I last posted. But I miss y'all and I wanna keep you informed.
You got a problem with that?!
Didn't think so :p
ANYWAY, I just wanted to say that my first day into my second week [at Keele] has been great! My classes are going smoothly, and I signed up for the gym! It felt great to just get on that treadmil and run all my stress away! (Actually, there isn't much stress, as I already did most of my work for the next few weeks because SOMEBODY told me my classes were going to be hard!)
Lemme rewind a bit. This past weekend was AMAZING! I went to the SU (Students Union) on Friday for Refresher's ball. That was pretty fun, but Saturday was the best. All I did Saturday was wake up at noon, clean my room, do laundry, and hang out with my blockmates. Why was that better than a ball/concert you ask?
1. I felt very self-sufficient; that was my first time using a public laundrette (it went off without a hitch, if anyone was wondering!)
2. It was cheaper than going back to the SU (the alcohol I bought was a fraction of the costs at the SU)
3. I got to just hang out with my blockmates and get to know them better! And that, to me, beats any day out! (Plus, I just got to lounge around in my yoga pants and slippers :p)
Sunday was also very nice. A bunch of friends and I met up at ye olde Snyde Arms for a dinner. I really like that little tradition we have going! Plus some of our friends went out to Manchester for the weekend, so it was nice catching up and sharing stories :)
I'm glad I'm starting to settle into life abroad. At first, I was really skeptical, homesick, and almost regretting my decision to come here. Now I'm remembering why I did this trip in the first place; to find myself. Yeah, I may have left some important things back home (one very recent event in particular!) but I know a world that is both familiar and new will be awaiting my return! One thing my Mom taught me was to stick with something once I chose it and to follow through. I wasn't about to let a few days of homesickness change a once in a lifetime experience! I'm saying all this because one of my friends here who is also studying abroad is contemplating bailing out and going back home. Don't do it! You put so much time and money into this trip, and it will be well worth it in the end! One day you'll look back and feel proud of yourself for following through! Yeah, times may seem hard right now, but those are the times that make you stronger!
OK, enough Oprahesque empowerment (although that's better than ANY medicine!) I think I may have a domestic streak inside me, afterall. I recently bought groceries (cold groceries...which means I actually HAVE to go to the kitchen now) and saw a world of opportunities! I actually caught myself planning recipes to cook with my fellow Americans in E-block! I suppose this isn't a bad thing...or it could be; I'm the only girl in this kitchen-alliance, and I have a feeling I'll be the one volunteering to cook. But it's OK, I need the practice! And watch out, Mimi, I might be the one cooking the gumbo next year ;) [if she doesn't yell at me to GET OUT OF HER KITCHEN!]
Well, I'll keep you all updated on my next adventure/enlightening moment! Until then!
We miss ya. Hope all is well and remember we love ya and we're all proud of you. Peter and Chantell